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Illinois quick hits: Smollett conviction to be dismissed; IDOC responds to drug concerns


Smollett conviction to be dismissed

Despite public interest around the conviction of actor Jesse Smollett, who was found guilty of lying to police in 2019 about a racially-charged attack in Chicago, the Illinois Supreme Court told the circuit court to dismiss the conviction.

The case was mired in controversy after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx made prosecutorial promises to not pursue further charges. A special prosecutor was later brought in and got a conviction, which will now be dismissed.

IDOC responds to drug concerns

The Illinois Department of Corrections says its top priority is the safety of staff, individuals in custody, and everyone entering their facilities.

That’s in response to state legislators calling for halting physical mail for inmates after reports of paper correspondence laced with illicit substances being smoked by inmates, harming those incarcerated and facility staff.

IDOC said it has a procedure in place for suspicious substances and have intensified mail screening.

Naloxone tested on House floor

To demonstrate its safety and ease of use, a state legislator was administered an opioid antagonist on the Illinois House floor Wednesday.

State Rep. Bill Hauter had fellow Republican state Rep. Amy Grant open a box of naloxone and spray the antagonist up his nose. Hauter, an emergency room physician, said for him, the medication doesn’t do anything. But for those suffering an opioid overdose, it is life saving.