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Shreveport council postpones reallocated funds, property


(The Center Square) – Two resolutions failing to meet the 14-day minimum threshold since introduction were posted by the Shreveport City Council on Thursday.

The property designated for the North Shreveport police substation is no longer going to be used as such because of issues in the deed agreement, which The Center Square previously reported on. This resolution builds in the requirement for a two-thirds vote from the council in order to redesignate a piece of land used for city purposes.

Another resolution, to ratify the execution of a community development block grant agreement between the city, Galilee City Affordable Housing, and others, was also postponed.

Galilee owns a 76-unit affordable housing development located at 1600 Park Avenue. This resolution essentially ratifies a series of construction and rehabilitation projects for the apartments by transferring ownership of the property to a body than can afford to do so.

Unanimously passed was a resolution allocating funds to specific nonprofits, though which ones is yet to be named. The funds were budgeted in “Other Charges” in the 2025 Riverfront Development Special Revenue Fund. The resolution allows for it to happen in the future.

Ordinances passed were all zoning or related to leases. One that was passed and had been postponed for a while authorizes the lease of portions of Stageworks of Louisiana, a city-owned property, to G-Unit Film & Television Louisiana, LLC.

One issue that came up during public comment involved some tabled ordinances from months past. Several community members expressed concern over the number of liquor stores popping up around the city.

One liquor store owner even said it was putting him out of business.

The council had considered a moratorium on the issuance of alcohol licenses to slow down the rapidly growing liquor stores in abandoned buildings across the city, but action was postponed in favor of research.

Council members said after hearing the voices of some community members they’ll reconsider the issue.